Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Coming Up Next!! :D

Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn!!!* Hi Elflings! 

This is a really random post, but hey. It's SOMETHING. :D

Soooo.... I am asking for prayers for some personal intentions of mine. Thank you in advance :D


-Tales from Mirkwood #2 (yusssssssssss)
-Writing Fantasy Fiction PART THREE, HAHA (had to shorten the name, because it's super long and we all know what it is anyway)
-A book review (:D *super excited*) 

Image result for but wait there's more meme

-possibly more about Swanwing
-possibly a Q&A post, which of course would lead to an:
-answering-your-questions post :P
-and a post where I ask y'all for book suggestions (SO MUCH FUUUN)
-and more!

Thanks for reading this update on my blog! I'm sorry it wasn't something interesting, and that it was short :/ I Know (with a capital K) that I can't POSSIBLY be the only one who would rather read long blog posts. 

* "A star shines on the hour of our meeting" :) I the only one just now realizing that the acronym for my blog title is "LOAF"???