Wednesday, November 21, 2018

(Another) Quick Update...

Hey Elflings!

So....hem...I have been thinking, and I was wondering about something and by now you just want me to get to the point.

The Point:
What would you think if I changed the theme and possibly some of the layout of my blog?
Tell me what you think! You know, some of my gadgets are gonna end up on the other side of the main body, to prevent me from being "one-sided", get it? xD that wasn't funny.

Anyway! Would you like to see some change here at The Life of an Elf? Different colors? Different theme, maybe? I want to know what you think! FYI, will accept and consider any and all suggestions about anything and everything, so give me whatcha got!
Thanks for your time!

Lacy out!



  1. Ooo, a theme/layout/color change would be really cool to see! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

    1. Thanks, Nicole! If I do decide to change it, I will probably "shut down" my blog until I get it like I want it, and then I'll open it back up. Now I just need to decide what to change about it! xD


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