Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Check out that new header :D

.........so I changed me header and messed with some other things


What do you think about the new header?

For comparison, this was the original:
Many thanks to Ceci @ Ceci Creates for helping me make it :)

...and this is the new one:

Which looks better?

I like them both equally but the BOOK AND THE ROSES. GAH. AESTHETICS.

Anyway! Keep an eye out for that post about the new Tolkien movie, because it is coming soon!!


  1. Nice! I really like it, Lacy!

    I really look forward to that Tolkien post - I've been wanting to watch that movie :)

    1. Thank you, Catherine! :)

      And I can't wait to get that post out too! :D

  2. Ooo, I really love your new header! <3

  3. Ah, your header is so pretty! And I've been hearing so much about this Tolkien movie, I'd love to see it ;D


    1. Why thank you, Keturah! And the Tolkien movie is definitely one worth seeing. :)


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